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La Loi type des Nations unies sur le commerce électronique Annual conference of AJEFO, Montpellier (July 2000)

Foreign Influences on Canadian Electronic Commerce Legislation Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Ottawa (October 2000)

The UETA and the UECA�(2001) 37 Idaho LR 441

Canadian and American Electronic Signature LegislationDroit de l' Internet, Paris (November 2001)

Electronic Voter Registration in South Dakota (2003) 3 E-Filing Report No. 4 p. 11.

Internet Jurisdiction: Where Are We Now? (slides) Toronto Computer Lawyers Group (November 2005)

Contracts in the Electronic Communication ConventionIs Electronic Commerce Different?, Montreal (October 2008)

Implementing the Electronic Communications Convention: Ratification Isn't What It Used To Be (2009) 18 Business Law Today No. 3, January-February 2009

Implementing the E-Communications Convention in Canada - Some Issues Draft consultation document for the Uniform Law Conference of Canada (March 2010)

The Apostille Convention: Authentication in Action Slaw.ca Technology Column (June 2011)

Online Dispute Resolution - an Update Slaw.ca Technology column (April 2012)

Implementing the Electronic Communications Convention in Canada (slides) E-Commerce and ODR: Current Status and Prospects in the Region, Seoul, Korea (September 2012)


Canadian Initiatives in Online Dispute Resolution (slides) E-Commerce and ODR: Current Status and Prospects in the Region, Seoul, Korea (September 2012)


The New Global Electronic Marketplace (video) (materials) Heenan Blaikie professional development(November 2013)


Electronic Signatures and Election Registration: Case Comment on Getup Ltd v Electoral Commission (Australia) Slaw.ca Technology Column (May 2014)


International Identity Management Slaw.ca Technology Column (June 2016)


 Trade Agreements to Promote Electronic Commerce Slaw.ca Technology Column (November 2016)


Crossing Borders with Digital Devices Slaw.ca comment (August 2017)


Reliable Transferable Electronic Records Slaw.ca Technology Column (November 2017)


Is the Right to be Forgotten Global?  Slaw.ca comment (September 2018)


Trade Agreements to Promote Electronic Commerce II  Slaw.ca Technology Column (November 2018)


Identity Management and Trust Services at UNCITRAL  Slaw.ca Technology Column (March 2019)


Trade Agreements to Promote Electronic Commerce III Slaw.ca Technology Column (December 2019)


Mutual Recognition of Methods of Authentication  Slaw.ca Technology Column (May 2020)


Policy Brief: e-Commerce Framework in CAREC Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute (May 2020) 


Digital Economy Partnership Agreement  Slaw.ca (March 2021)


e-Commerce in CAREC Countries: Laws and Policies Asian Development Bank (August 2021)

Developing E-Commerce Policies in Central Asia  Development Asia (July 2020)

Mongolia: Enabling a Conducive Environment for e-Commerce Asian Development Bank (2022-23)


Kyrgyz Republic: Enabling a conducive environment for e-commerce Asian Development Bank (2022-23)

Update of the Readiness Assessment for Cross-border Paperless Trade: Bangladesh Asian Development Bank and ESCAP (2022-23)


Apostille Convention Now in Force Slaw.ca collective blog (January 2024)

John Gregory, “Legal Implementation Guide for Cross-border Paperless Trade”, ESCAP - UNNExT Working Paper No. 12|2024  ESCAP/UNNExT (November 2024 )




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